select t.trx_mon,sum(t.trx_amt)over(order by t.trx_mon) as trx_amt
select date_format(a.trx_time,'%Y-%m') as trx_mon, sum(a.trx_amt) as trx_amt
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd a join cmb_mch_typ b on a.mch_nm = b.mch_nm
where usr_id = 5201314520
and (date_format(trx_time,'%Y-%m') between '2023-01' and '2024-12')
and mch_typ = '休闲娱乐'
group by trx_mon)t
select date_format(a.trx_time,'%Y-%m') as trx_mon, 这句后面的逗号是中文还是英文?
select gd.gd_id, gd.gd_nm, gd.gd_typ,
case when fav.mch_id is null and pchs.mch_id is null then '未被收藏也未被购买的'
when fav.mch_id is not null and pchs.mch_id is null then '只被收藏未被购买过的'
when fav.mch_id is null and pchs.mch_id is not null then '只被购买未被收藏过的'
else '既被收藏也被购买的' end as category
from gd_inf gd left join xhs_fav_rcd fav on gd.gd_id = fav.mch_id
left join xhs_pchs_rcd pchs on gd.gd_id = pchs.mch_id
group by gd.gd_id, gd.gd_nm, gd.gd_typ
order by gd.gd_id
select distinct gd.gd_id, gd.gd_nm, gd.gd_typ
from xhs_pchs_rcd pchs left join xhs_fav_rcd fav on pchs.mch_id = fav.mch_id
left join gd_inf gd on pchs.mch_id = gd.gd_id
where fav.mch_id is null
select gd.gd_id, gd.gd_nm, gd.gd_typ
from xhs_pchs_rcd pchs left join xhs_fav_rcd fav on pchs.mch_id = fav.mch_id
left join gd_inf gd on pchs.mch_id = gd.gd_id
where fav.mch_id is null
select gd.gd_id, gd.gd_nm, gd.gd_typ
from xhs_fav_rcd fav left join gd_inf gd on gd.gd_id = fav.mch_id
left join xhs_pchs_rcd pchs on gd.gd_id = pchs.mch_id
where pchs.mch_id is null
group by gd.gd_id, gd.gd_nm, gd.gd_typ
select gd.gd_typ, count(distinct pchs.cust_uid) as buyer_count
from gd_inf gd join xhs_pchs_rcd pchs on gd.gd_id = pchs.mch_id
group by gd.gd_typ
order by buyer_count desc
limit 1
select gd.gd_id, gd.gd_nm, count(fav_trq) as fav_count
from xhs_fav_rcd fav join gd_inf gd on gd.gd_id = fav.mch_id
group by gd.gd_id, gd.gd_nm
order by fav_count desc
limit 1
select gd.gd_id, gd.gd_nm, count(fav_trq) as fav_count
from xhs_fav_rcd fav join gd_inf gd on gd.gd_id = fav.mch_id
group by gd.gd_id, gd.gd_nm
order by fav_count desc
with count_all as(
'all' as mch_typ,
count(trx_amt) as trx_cnt,
dense_rank()over(order by count(trx_amt) desc) as rnk
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd
where usr_id = 5201314520
group by mch_nm
count_each as(
count(trx_amt) as trx_cnt,
dense_rank()over(partition by mch_typ order by count(trx_amt) desc )as rnk
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd a join cmb_mch_typ b on a.mch_nm = b.mch_nm
where usr_id = 5201314520 and b.mch_typ in ('交通出行','休闲娱乐','咖啡奶茶')
group by b.mch_typ, b.mch_nm),
allrnnk as(
from count_all
where rnk<=1
eachrnk as(
from count_each
where rnk <= 1
from allrnnk
union all
from eachrnk
order by mch_typ, rnk, mch_nm, trx_cnt
with yearly_rn as(
'2024' as trx_mon,
sum(trx_amt) as sum_trx_amt
usr_id = 5201314520
and year(trx_time) = 2024
group by
order by
sum_trx_amt desc
limit 3
monthly_merchants as
date_format(trx_time,'%Y-%m') as trx_mon,
sum(trx_amt) as sum_trx_amt,
row_number()over(partition by date_format(trx_time,'%Y-%m') order by sum(trx_amt) desc) as rn
usr_id = 5201314520
and year(trx_time) = 2024
group by
monthly_rn as
trx_mon, mch_nm, sum_trx_amt
from monthly_merchants
where rn <= 3
select trx_mon, mch_nm, sum_trx_amt
from yearly_rn
union all
select trx_mon, mch_nm, sum_trx_amt
from monthly_rn
with first_time as(
select min(trx_time) as first_trx_time
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd
where usr_id = 5201314520 and mch_nm like '%红玫瑰%'
select usr_id, mch_nm, trx_time, trx_amt
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd
where usr_id = 5201314520 and trx_time between (select first_trx_time from first_time) and (select date_add(first_trx_time,interval 2 hour) from first_time)
order by trx_time
select '2022-10-03 17:20:20' as time_he_love_me,
datediff(current_date,'2022-10-03') as days_we_falling_love,
timestampdiff(hour,'2022-10-03 17:20:20',now()) as hours_we_falling_love,
datediff(min(trx_time),'2022-10-03') as days_he_fvck_else
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd
where usr_id = 5201314520 and mch_nm = '红玫瑰按摩保健休闲'
select '2022-10-03 05:20:20' as time_he_love_me,
datediff(current_date,'2022-10-03') as days_we_falling_love,
timestampdiff(hour,'2022-10-03 17:20:20',now()) as hours_we_falling_love,
datediff(min(trx_time),'2022-10-03') as days_he_fvck_else
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd
where usr_id = 5201314520 and mch_nm = '红玫瑰按摩保健休闲'
select '2022-10-03 05:20:20' as time_he_love_me,
datediff(current_date,'2022-10-03') as days_we_falling_love,
timestampdiff(hour,'2022-10-03 05:20:20',now()) as hours_we_falling_love,
datediff(min(trx_time),'2022-10-03') as days_he_fvck_else
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd
where usr_id = 5201314520 and mch_nm = '红玫瑰按摩保健休闲'
select '2022-10-03 05:20:20' as time_he_love_me,
datediff(current_date,'2022-10-03') as days_we_falling_love,
timestampdiff(hour,'2022-10-03 05:20:20',now()) as hours_we_falling_love,
datediff(min(trx_time),current_date) as days_he_fvck_else
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd
where usr_id = 5201314520 and mch_nm = '红玫瑰保健休闲'
select u.trx_mon,
coalesce(t.last_day,'1900-01-01') as last_day,
coalesce(t.day_of_mon,0) as day_of_mon,
coalesce(t.trx_amt,0) as trx_amt,
coalesce(t.trx_cnt,0) as trx_cnt,
coalesce(round(t.avg_day_amt,2),0) as avg_day_amt,
coalesce(round(t.avg_day_cnt,2),0) as avg_day_cnt
from (select distinct date_format(date_value,'%Y-%m') as trx_mon
from date_table
where date_format(date_value,'%Y-%m') between '2023-01' and '2024-06')u
left join
(select date_format(trx_time,'%Y-%m') as trx_mon,
last_day(max(trx_time)) as last_day,
day(last_day(max(trx_time))) as day_of_mon,
sum(trx_amt) as trx_amt,
count(trx_amt) as trx_cnt,
sum(trx_amt)/day(last_day(max(trx_time))) as avg_day_amt,
count(trx_amt)/day(last_day(max(trx_time))) as avg_day_cnt
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd a left join cmb_mch_typ b on a.mch_nm = b.mch_nm
wherea.usr_id = 5201314520
AND DATE_FORMAT(a.trx_time, '%Y-%m') BETWEEN '2023-01' AND '2024-06'
AND (b.mch_typ = '休闲娱乐' OR b.mch_typ IS NULL)
AND HOUR(a.trx_time) IN (23, 0, 1, 2)
AND a.trx_amt >= 288
group by trx_mon
order by trx_mon)t
on u.trx_mon = t. trx_mon
order by u.trx_mon
select u.trx_mon,
coalesce(t.last_day,'1900-01-01') as last_day,
coalesce(t.day_of_mon,0) as day_of_mon,
coalesce(t.trx_amt,0) as trx_amt,
coalesce(t.trx_cnt,0) as trx_cnt,
coalesce(round(t.avg_day_amt,2),0) as avg_day_amt,
coalesce(round(t.avg_day_cnt,2),0) as avg_day_cnt
from (select distinct date_format(date_value,'%Y-%m') as trx_mon
from date_table
where date_format(date_value,'%Y-%m') between '2023-01' and '2024-06')u
left join
(select date_format(trx_time,'%Y-%m') as trx_mon,
last_day(max(trx_time)) as last_day,
day(last_day(max(trx_time))) as day_of_mon,
sum(trx_amt) as trx_amt,
count(trx_amt) as trx_cnt,
sum(trx_amt)/day(last_day(max(trx_time))) as avg_day_amt,
count(trx_amt)/day(last_day(max(trx_time))) as avg_day_cnt
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd a join cmb_mch_typ b on a.mch_nm = b.mch_nm
wherea.usr_id = 5201314520
AND DATE_FORMAT(a.trx_time, '%Y-%m') BETWEEN '2023-01' AND '2024-06'
AND (b.mch_typ = '休闲娱乐' OR b.mch_typ IS NULL)
AND HOUR(a.trx_time) IN (23, 0, 1, 2)
AND a.trx_amt >= 288
group by trx_mon
order by trx_mon)t
on u.trx_mon = t. trx_mon
order by u.trx_mon
select u.trx_mon,
coalesce(t.last_day,'1900-01-01') as last_day,
coalesce(t.day_of_mon,0) as day_of_mon,
coalesce(t.trx_amt,0) as trx_amt,
coalesce(t.trx_cnt,0) as trx_cnt,
coalesce(round(t.avg_day_amt,2),0) as avg_day_amt,
coalesce(round(t.avg_day_cnt,2),0) as avg_day_cnt
from (select distinct date_format(date_value,'%Y-%m') as trx_mon
from date_table
where date_format(date_value,'%Y-%m') between '2023-01' and '2024-06')u
left join
(select date_format(trx_time,'%Y-%m') as trx_mon,
last_day(max(trx_time)) as last_day,
day(last_day(max(trx_time))) as day_of_mon,
sum(trx_amt) as trx_amt,
count(trx_amt) as trx_cnt,
sum(trx_amt)/day(last_day(max(trx_time))) as avg_day_amt,
count(trx_amt)/day(last_day(max(trx_time))) as avg_day_cnt
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd a join cmb_mch_typ b on a.mch_nm = b.mch_nm
where usr_id = 5201314520
and hour(a.trx_time) in (23,0,1,2)
and a.trx_amt > 288
and (b.mch_typ = '休闲娱乐' or b.mch_typ is null)
and DATE_FORMAT(a.trx_time, '%Y-%m') BETWEEN '2023-01' AND '2024-06'
group by trx_mon
order by trx_mon)t
on u.trx_mon = t. trx_mon
order by u.trx_mon
select u.trx_mon,
coalesce(t.last_day,'1900-01-01') as last_day,
coalesce(t.day_of_mon,0) as day_of_mon,
coalesce(t.trx_amt,0) as trx_amt,
coalesce(t.trx_cnt,0) as trx_cnt,
coalesce(round(t.avg_day_amt,2),0) as avg_day_amt,
coalesce(round(t.avg_day_cnt,2),0) as avg_day_cnt
from (select distinct date_format(date_value,'%Y-%m') as trx_mon
from date_table
where date_format(date_value,'%Y-%m') between '2023-01' and '2024-06')u
left join
(select date_format(trx_time,'%Y-%m') as trx_mon,
last_day(max(trx_time)) as last_day,
day(last_day(max(trx_time))) as day_of_mon,
sum(trx_amt) as trx_amt,
count(trx_amt) as trx_cnt,
sum(trx_amt)/day(last_day(max(trx_time))) as avg_day_amt,
count(trx_amt)/day(last_day(max(trx_time))) as avg_day_cnt
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd a join cmb_mch_typ b on a.mch_nm = b.mch_nm
where usr_id = 5201314520
and hour(a.trx_time) in (23,0,1,2)
and a.trx_amt > 288
and (b.mch_typ = '休闲娱乐' or b.mch_typ is null)
and DATE_FORMAT(a.trx_time, '%Y-%m') BETWEEN '2023-01' AND '2024-06'
group by trx_mon
order by trx_mon)t
on u.trx_mon = t. trx_mon
order by t.trx_mon
select u.trx_mon,
coalesce(t.last_day,'1900-01-01') as last_day,
coalesce(t.day_of_mon,0) as day_of_mon,
coalesce(t.trx_amt,0) as trx_amt,
coalesce(t.trx_cnt,0) as trx_cnt,
coalesce(round(t.avg_day_amt,2),0) as avg_day_amt,
coalesce(round(t.avg_day_cnt,2),0) as avg_day_cnt
from (select distinct date_format(date_value,'%Y-%m') as trx_mon
from date_table
where date_format(date_value,'%Y-%m') between '2023-01' and '2024-06')u
left join
(select date_format(trx_time,'%Y-%m') as trx_mon,
last_day(max(trx_time)) as last_day,
day(last_day(max(trx_time))) as day_of_mon,
sum(trx_amt) as trx_amt,
count(trx_amt) as trx_cnt,
sum(trx_amt)/day(last_day(max(trx_time))) as avg_day_amt,
count(trx_amt)/day(last_day(max(trx_time))) as avg_day_cnt
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd a join cmb_mch_typ b on a.mch_nm = b.mch_nm
where hour(a.trx_time) in (23,0,1,2)
and a.trx_amt > 288
and (b.mch_typ = '休闲娱乐' or b.mch_typ is null)
and DATE_FORMAT(a.trx_time, '%Y-%m') BETWEEN '2023-01' AND '2024-06'
group by trx_mon
order by trx_mon)t
on u.trx_mon = t. trx_mon
order by t.trx_mon
select u.trx_mon,
coalesce(t.last_day,'1900-01-01') as last_day,
coalesce(t.day_of_mon,0) as day_of_mon,
coalesce(t.trx_amt,0) as trx_amt,
coalesce(t.trx_cnt,0) as trx_cnt,
coalesce(t.avg_day_amt,0) as avg_day_amt,
coalesce(t.avg_day_cnt,0) as avg_day_cnt
from (select distinct date_format(date_value,'%Y-%m') as trx_mon
from date_table
where date_format(date_value,'%Y-%m') between '2023-01' and '2024-06')u
left join
(select date_format(trx_time,'%Y-%m') as trx_mon,
last_day(max(trx_time)) as last_day,
day(last_day(max(trx_time))) as day_of_mon,
sum(trx_amt) as trx_amt,
count(trx_amt) as trx_cnt,
sum(trx_amt)/day(last_day(max(trx_time))) as avg_day_amt,
count(trx_amt)/day(last_day(max(trx_time))) as avg_day_cnt
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd a join cmb_mch_typ b on a.mch_nm = b.mch_nm
where hour(trx_time) in (23,0,1,2)
and trx_amt >= 288
and (b.mch_typ = '休闲娱乐' or b.mch_typ is null)
and DATE_FORMAT(a.trx_time, '%Y-%m') BETWEEN '2023-01' AND '2024-06'
group by trx_mon
order by trx_mon)t
on u.trx_mon = t. trx_mon
order by t.trx_mon