


勋章 ①金银铜:在竞赛中获得第一二三名;②好习惯:自然月10天提交;③里程碑:解决1/2/5/10/20/50/100/200题;④每周打卡挑战:完成每周5题,每年1月1日清零。


收藏日期 题目名称 解决状态
2024-12-07 分组与聚合函数(5)五花八门的项目,其实都有固定套路(2)  已解决


评论日期 题目名称 评论内容 站长评论
2024-12-06 条件过滤(1)异地男友有异常,数分闺蜜来帮忙 

2024-09-30 12:23:23 是否between '2024-09-01' and '2024-09-30' 你先回答这个问题


提交日期 题目名称 提交代码
2024-12-07 分组与聚合函数(6)想知道渣男有多坏,疯狂使用GroupBy 
select usr_id,mch_nm,sum(trx_amt)trx_amt,count(1)trx_cnt,min(trx_time)first_time
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd
where usr_id=5201314520
and trx_amt>=288
group by mch_nm
order by trx_cnt desc
2024-12-07 分组与聚合函数(5)想知道何时成瘾,用Max Or Min? 
select usr_id,min(trx_time),mch_nm
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd
where mch_nm="红玫瑰按摩保健休闲"
and usr_id=5201314520
group by usr_id
2024-12-07 分组与聚合函数(5)五花八门的项目,其实都有固定套路(2) 
select trx_amt,count(1)total_trx_cnt,count(distinct usr_id)unique_user_cnt,count(1)/count(distinct usr_id)avg_trx_per_user
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd 
where mch_nm="红玫瑰按摩保健休闲"
and date(trx_time) between "2023-01-01" and "2024-06-30"
group by trx_amt
order by avg_trx_per_user desc
limit 5
2024-12-07 分组与聚合函数(3)五花八门的项目,其实都有固定套路(1) 
select trx_amt,count(1) trx_ant
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd
where mch_nm="红玫瑰按摩保健休闲"
and year(trx_time)=2024
and month(trx_time) between 1 and 7
group by trx_amt
order by trx_ant desc
limit 0,5
2024-12-06 分组与聚合函数(2)擦边营收怎么样,聚合函数可看出 
select date(trx_time )trx_date,max(trx_amt)max_trx_amt,min(trx_amt)min_trx_amt,avg(trx_amt)avg_trx_amt,sum(trx_amt)total_trx_amt
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd
 year(trx_time)=2024 and month(trx_time)=09
and mch_nm="红玫瑰按摩保健休闲"
group by trx_date
order by trx_date asc
2024-12-06 分组与聚合函数(1)Money全都花在哪,GroupBy来查一查 
select mch_nm,sum(trx_amt)sum_trx_amt from cmb_usr_trx_rcd 
where usr_id=5201314520	
and year(trx_time)=2024
group by mch_nm
order by sum_trx_amt desc
2024-12-06 分组与聚合函数(1)Money全都花在哪,GroupBy来查一查 
select mch_nm,sum(trx_amt)sum_trx_amt from cmb_usr_trx_rcd 
where usr_id=5201314520	
group by mch_nm
order by sum_trx_amt desc
2024-12-06 条件过滤(3)Hour函数很给力,组合条件要仔细 
select * from cmb_usr_trx_rcd 
where usr_id=5201314520
and date(trx_time) between '2024-09-01' and '2024-09-30'
and (time(trx_time) between '00:00:00' and '06:00:00'
or time(trx_time) between '22:00:00' and '24:00:00')
order by trx_time
2024-12-06 条件过滤(3)Hour函数很给力,组合条件要仔细 
select * from cmb_usr_trx_rcd 
where usr_id=5201314520
and date(trx_time) between '2024-09-01' and '2024-09-30'
and (time(trx_time) between '01:00:00' and '06:00:00'
or time(trx_time) between '22:00:00' and '24:00:00')
order by trx_time
2024-12-06 条件过滤(3)Hour函数很给力,组合条件要仔细 
select * from cmb_usr_trx_rcd 
where usr_id=5201314520
and date(trx_time) between '2024-09-01' and '2024-09-30'
and (time(trx_time) between '01:00:00' and '06:00:00'
or time(trx_time) between '22:00:00' and '24:00:00')
2024-12-06 条件过滤(2)半夜活动有猫腻,Hour函数给给力 
select *
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd
where usr_id=5201314520
and date(trx_time) between '2024-09-01' and '2024-09-30'
and time(trx_time) between'01:00:00'and '06:00:00'
order by trx_time
2024-12-06 条件过滤(2)半夜活动有猫腻,Hour函数给给力 
select *
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd
where usr_id=5201314520
and date(trx_time) between '2024-09-01' and '2024-09-30'
and time(trx_time) between' 01:00:00'and '06:00:00'
order by trx_time
2024-12-06 条件过滤(2)半夜活动有猫腻,Hour函数给给力 
select *
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd
where usr_id=5201314520
and date(trx_time) between '2024-09-01' and '2024-09-30'
and time(trx_time) between' 01:00:00'and '06:00:00'
2024-12-06 条件过滤(1)异地男友有异常,数分闺蜜来帮忙 
select * from cmb_usr_trx_rcd 
where usr_id=5201314520
and trx_time between '2024-09-01' and '2024-09-30'
order by trx_time
2024-12-06 条件过滤(1)异地男友有异常,数分闺蜜来帮忙 
select * from cmb_usr_trx_rcd 
where usr_id=5201314520
and date(trx_time) between '2024-09-01' and '2024-09-30'
order by trx_time
2024-12-06 条件过滤(1)异地男友有异常,数分闺蜜来帮忙 
select * from cmb_usr_trx_rcd 
where usr_id=5201314520