


勋章 ①金银铜:在竞赛中获得第一二三名;②好习惯:自然月10天提交;③里程碑:解决1/2/5/10/20/50/100/200题;④每周打卡挑战:完成每周5题,每年1月1日清零。


收藏日期 题目名称 解决状态


评论日期 题目名称 评论内容 站长评论


提交日期 题目名称 提交代码
2025-01-26 总分超过300分的学生 
select student_id from subject_score 
where chinese + math + english >= 300;
2025-01-26 找出与y=x有交点的所有一元一次函数 
select * from numbers_for_fun
where a= 0 and b!=1 and b!=0
order by id;
2025-01-26 找出与X轴交点小于等于0的一元一次函数 
select * from numbers_for_fun 
where a = 0 and b!=0 and b*c>=0;
2025-01-26 找出与X轴交点大于0的一元一次函数 
select * from numbers_for_fun 
where a = 0 and b!=0 and b*c<0
order by id;
2025-01-26 找出与X轴交点大于0的一元一次函数 
select * from numbers_for_fun 
where a = 0 and b!=0 and b*c>0
order by id;
2025-01-26 找出与X轴交点大于0的一元一次函数 
select * from numbers_for_fun 
where a = 0 and b!=0 and c>0
order by id;
2025-01-26 找出与X轴交点大于0的一元一次函数 
select * from numbers_for_fun 
where a = 0 and b!=0 and c!=0
order by id;
2025-01-26 找出所有经过原点的一元一次函数 
select * from numbers_for_fun 
where a=0 and b!=0 and c=0
order by id;
2025-01-26 找出所有一元一次函数 
select * from numbers_for_fun 
where a = 0 and b!= 0
order by id;
2025-01-15 输出特定日期上市的银行 
select * from stock_info 
where list_date between '2006-06-01' and '2006-09-01'
and industry = "银行";
2025-01-15 A和K之间的手牌(3) 
select * from hand_permutations 
where card1 between 'A' and 'K'
AND card2 between 'A' and 'K';
2025-01-15 A和K之间的手牌(2) 
select * from hand_permutations 
where card1 between 'A' and 'K'
or card2 between 'A' and 'K';
2025-01-15 A和K之间的手牌(1) 
select * from hand_permutations 
where card1 between 'A' and 'K'
2025-01-15 交易金额在5000至10000(含边界)的所有交易 
select * from cmb_usr_trx_rcd 
where trx_amt >= 5000 and trx_amt <= 10000
order by trx_amt desc
limit 5;
2025-01-15 交易金额在5000至10000(含边界)的所有交易 
select * from cmb_usr_trx_rcd 
where trx_amt >= 5000 and trx_amt <= 10000
order by trx_amt desc
limit 4;
2025-01-15 交易金额大于10000元的所有交易 
select * from cmb_usr_trx_rcd 
where trx_amt > 100000
order by trx_amt desc;
2025-01-15 交易金额大于10000元的所有交易 
select * from cmb_usr_trx_rcd 
where trx_amt > 10000
order by trx_amt desc;
2025-01-15 交易金额大于10000元的所有交易 
select * from cmb_usr_trx_rcd 
where trx_amt > 10000
order by trx_amt;
2025-01-11 大于J小于K的手牌 
select * from hand_permutations 
where card1 > 'J' and card1 <'K'
and card2 > 'J' and card2 <'K';
2025-01-11 大于J小于K的手牌 
select * from hand_permutations 
where card1 > 'J♣' and card1 <'K♣'
and card2 > 'J♣' and card2 <'K♣';