


勋章 ①金银铜:在竞赛中获得第一二三名;②好习惯:自然月10天提交;③里程碑:解决1/2/5/10/20/50/100/200题;④每周打卡挑战:完成每周5题,每年1月1日清零。


收藏日期 题目名称 解决状态


评论日期 题目名称 评论内容 站长评论


提交日期 题目名称 提交代码
2025-01-05 窗口函数(1)年度前三和每月前三,搞懂排序窗口函数 
with yearly_top_merchants as (
        sum(trx_amt) as sum_trx_amt
        usr_id = 5201314520 
        and year(trx_time) = 2024
    group by 
    order by 
        sum_trx_amt desc
    limit 3
monthly_top_merchants as (
        date_format(trx_time, '%Y-%m') as trx_mon, 
        sum(trx_amt) as sum_trx_amt,
        row_number() over (partition by date_format(trx_time, '%Y-%m') order by sum(trx_amt) desc) as rn
        usr_id = 5201314520 
        and year(trx_time) = 2024
    group by 
        trx_mon, mch_nm
filtered_monthly_top_merchants as (
        rn <= 3
    '2024' as trx_mon, 
union all
order by 
    sum_trx_amt desc;
2025-01-05 窗口函数(1)年度前三和每月前三,搞懂排序窗口函数 
with yearly_top_merchants as (
		select mch_nm,
		sum(trx_amt) as sum_trx_amt
		from cmb_usr_trx_rcd
		where usr_id='5201314520' and year(trx_time) = 2024
		group by mch_nm
		order by sum_trx_amt desc
		limit 3
monthly_top_merchants as (
        date_format(trx_time, '%Y-%m') as trx_mon, 
        sum(trx_amt) as sum_trx_amt,
        row_number() over ( order by sum(trx_amt) desc) as rn
        usr_id = 5201314520 
        and year(trx_time) = 2024
    group by 
        trx_mon, mch_nm),
filtered_monthly_top_merchants as (
        rn <= 3
    '2024' as trx_mon, 
union all
order by 
    sum_trx_amt desc;
2025-01-05 时间日期(6)爽完来根事后烟,不羡鸳鸯不羡仙 
with first_trx as(
	select min(trx_time) as first_trx_time
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd
where usr_id='5201314520' and mch_nm='红玫瑰按摩保健休闲'
group by mch_nm)
FROM cmb_usr_trx_rcd
WHERE usr_id = 5201314520
  AND trx_time BETWEEN (
    SELECT first_trx_time FROM first_trx
  ) AND (
    SELECT DATE_ADD(first_trx_time, INTERVAL 2 hour) FROM first_trx
  ) order by trx_time;
2025-01-05 时间日期(5)三腿爱往会所走,全当良心喂了狗 
select '2022-10-03 17:20:20' as time_he_love_me,
		datediff(current_date, '2022-10-03') as days_we_falling_love,
timestampdiff(hour, '2022-10-03 17:20:20', now()) as hours_we_falling_love,
datediff(min(trx_time), '2022-10-03') as days_he_fvck_else
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd 
where usr_id='5201314520' and mch_nm='红玫瑰按摩保健休闲'
group by mch_nm
2025-01-04 时间日期(4)阶段综合-按月统计日花费,一天都不要浪费 
    COALESCE(b.last_day, '1900-01-01') AS last_day, 
    COALESCE(b.day_of_mon, 0) AS day_of_mon, 
    COALESCE(b.trx_amt, 0) AS trx_amt, 
    COALESCE(b.trx_cnt, 0) AS trx_cnt, 
    COALESCE(ROUND(b.avg_day_amt, 2), 0) AS avg_day_amt, 
    COALESCE(ROUND(b.avg_day_cnt, 2), 0) AS avg_day_cnt 
    (SELECT DISTINCT DATE_FORMAT(date_value, '%Y-%m') AS trx_mon
     FROM date_table
     WHERE DATE_FORMAT(date_value, '%Y-%m') BETWEEN '2023-01' AND '2024-06'
    ) a
         DATE_FORMAT(a.trx_time, '%Y-%m') AS trx_mon, 
         LAST_DAY(MAX(a.trx_time)) AS last_day, 
         DAY(LAST_DAY(MAX(a.trx_time))) AS day_of_mon, 
         SUM(a.trx_amt) AS trx_amt, 
         COUNT(*) AS trx_cnt, 
         SUM(a.trx_amt) / DAY(LAST_DAY(MAX(a.trx_time))) AS avg_day_amt, 
         COUNT(*) / DAY(LAST_DAY(MAX(a.trx_time))) AS avg_day_cnt 
     FROM cmb_usr_trx_rcd a
     LEFT JOIN cmb_mch_typ m ON a.mch_nm = m.mch_nm
     WHERE a.usr_id = 5201314520
       AND DATE_FORMAT(a.trx_time, '%Y-%m') BETWEEN '2023-01' AND '2024-06'
       AND (m.mch_typ = '休闲娱乐' OR m.mch_typ IS NULL)
       AND HOUR(a.trx_time) IN (23, 0, 1, 2)
       AND a.trx_amt >= 288
     GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(a.trx_time, '%Y-%m')
     ORDER BY 1
    ) b
ON a.trx_mon = b.trx_mon
ORDER BY a.trx_mon;
2025-01-04 时间日期(4)阶段综合-按月统计日花费,一天都不要浪费 
select distinct left(trx_time, 7) as trx_mon,
		last_day(max(trx_time)) as last_day,
day(last_day(max(trx_time))) as day_of_mon,
sum(trx_amt) as trx_amt,
count(trx_amt) as trx_cnt,
sum(trx_amt)/day(max(trx_time)) as avg_day_amt,
count(trx_amt)/day(max(trx_time)) as avg_day_cnt
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd u left join cmb_mch_typ m on u.mch_nm=m.mch_nm
where usr_id = '5201314520' 
		and trx_time between '2023-01-01' and '2024-06-30'
and (mch_typ='休闲娱乐' or mch_typ is null)
and trx_amt >288
and hour(trx_time) not between 3 and 22
group by trx_mon
order by trx_mon
2025-01-04 时间日期(4)阶段综合-按月统计日花费,一天都不要浪费 
select distinct left(trx_time, 7) as trx_mon,
		last_day(max(trx_time)) as last_day,
day(max(trx_time)) as day_o_mon,
sum(trx_amt) as trx_amt,
count(trx_amt) as trx_cnt,
sum(trx_amt)/day(max(trx_time)) as avg_day_amt,
count(trx_amt)/day(max(trx_time)) as avg_day_cnt
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd u left join cmb_mch_typ m on u.mch_nm=m.mch_nm
where usr_id = '5201314520' 
		and trx_time between '2023-01-01' and '2024-06-30'
and (mch_typ='休闲娱乐' or mch_typ is null)
and trx_amt >288
and hour(trx_time) not between 3 and 22
group by trx_mon
order by trx_mon
2025-01-04 时间日期(3)按月统计日花费,一天都不要浪费 
select distinct left(trx_time,7) as trx_mon,
		last_day(max(trx_time)) as last_day,
day(last_day(max(trx_time))) as days_of_mon,
sum(trx_amt) as trx_amt,
count(trx_amt) as trx_cnt,
sum(trx_amt)/day(last_day(max(trx_time))) as avg_day_amt,
count(trx_amt)/day(last_day(max(trx_time))) as avg_day_amt
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd u left join cmb_mch_typ m on u.mch_nm=m.mch_nm
where usr_id='5201314520' and year(trx_time) in (2023, 2024) and mch_typ='休闲娱乐'
group by trx_mon
order by trx_mon
2025-01-04 时间日期(2)按月统计日花费,一天都不要浪费 
select distinct left(trx_time, 7) as trx_mon, last_day(trx_time) as last_day, day(last_day(trx_time)) as days_of_mon
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd u left join cmb_mch_typ m on u.mch_nm=m.mch_nm
where usr_id='5201314520' and year(trx_time) in (2023, 2024) and mch_typ='休闲娱乐'
order by trx_mon
2025-01-04 时间日期(2)按月统计日花费,一天都不要浪费 
select distinct left(trx_time, 7) as trx_mon, last_day(trx_time) as last_day, day(last_day(trx_time)) as days_of_mon
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd 
where usr_id='5201314520' and year(trx_time) in (2023, 2024)
order by trx_mon
2025-01-04 时间日期(2)按月统计日花费,一天都不要浪费 
select distinct left(trx_time, 7) as trx_mon, last_day(trx_time) as last_day, day(trx_time) as days_of_mon
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd 
where usr_id='5201314520' and year(trx_time) in (2023, 2024)
order by trx_mon
2025-01-04 时间日期(1)按月统计日花费,一天都不要浪费 
select distinct left(trx_time, 7) as trx_mon, last_day(trx_time) as last_day
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd 
where year(trx_time) in (2023, 2024) and usr_id = '5201314520'
order by trx_mon
2025-01-04 时间日期(1)按月统计日花费,一天都不要浪费 
select left(trx_time, 7) as trx_mon, last_day(trx_time) as last_day
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd 
where year(trx_time) in (2023, 2024) and usr_id = '5201314520'
order by trx_mon
2025-01-04 时间日期(1)按月统计日花费,一天都不要浪费 
select left(trx_time, 7) as trx_mon, last_day(trx_time) as last_day
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd 
where year(trx_time) in (2023, 2024) and usr_id = '5201314520'
2025-01-04 表连接(5)哪些没被分出来,用左用内你来猜 
	m.mch_typ, u.mch_nm, 
count(u.trx_amt) as trx_cnt, 
sum(u.trx_amt) as trx_cmt
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd u left join cmb_mch_typ m on u.mch_nm =m.mch_nm
where u.usr_id = '5201314520' and year(u.trx_time)=2024 and m.mch_typ is null
group by m.mch_typ, u.mch_nm
order by trx_cnt desc
2025-01-04 表连接(5)哪些没被分出来,用左用内你来猜 
select m.mch_typ, u.mch_nm, count(u.trx_amt) as trx_cnt, sum(u.trx_amt) as trx_cmt
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd u left join cmb_mch_typ m on u.mch_nm =m.mch_nm
where u.usr_id = '5201214520' and year(u.trx_time)=2024 and m.mch_typ is null
group by m.mch_typ, u.mch_nm
order by trx_cnt desc
2025-01-04 表连接(4)渣男把钱花在哪儿,维表可以来帮忙 
select mch_typ, count(trx_amt) as trx_cnt, sum(trx_amt) as trx_amt
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd left join cmb_mch_typ on cmb_usr_trx_rcd.mch_nm = cmb_mch_typ.mch_nm
where usr_id='5201314520' and year(trx_time)=2024
group by mch_typ
order by trx_cnt desc
2025-01-04 表连接(3)一直使用一张表,现在开始两张表 
    count(1) as total_mch,     
    count(distinct mch_nm) as unique_mch_cnt  
group by 
order by total_mch desc
2025-01-04 表连接(3)一直使用一张表,现在开始两张表 
select mch_typ,count(distinct cmb_usr_trx_rcd.mch_nm) as total_mch , count(distinct cmb_usr_trx_rcd.mch_nm) as unique_mch_cnt
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd left join cmb_mch_typ on cmb_usr_trx_rcd.mch_nm = cmb_mch_typ.mch_nm
group by mch_typ
order by unique_mch_cnt desc
2025-01-04 表连接(2)渣男去过我对象没去过,那就用LeftJoin 
select distinct a.mch_nm_1 as asshole_tried,
mch_nm_2 as darling_tried
	(select distinct mch_nm as mch_nm_1, count(1) as trx_cnt
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd
 where usr_id = '5201314520' and year(trx_time) in (2023, 2024) 
 group by mch_nm_1
 having count(trx_amt) >=20 ) as a
left join
(select mch_nm as mch_nm_2
from cmb_usr_trx_rcd
where usr_id = '5211314521' and year(trx_time) in (2023, 2024) ) as b
on a.mch_nm_1 = b.mch_nm_2 
 order by trx_cnt desc