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收藏日期 | 题目名称 | 解决状态 |
2025-02-10 | 表连接(1)你们难道都去过?那就试试用InnerJoin | 已解决 |
2025-02-10 | 字符串与通配符(2)好多关键词做规则,可以使用rlike | 已解决 |
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2025-02-19 | 表连接(2)渣男去过我对象没去过,那就用LeftJoin |
select a.mch_nmasshole_tried, a.cishudarling_tried, b.mch_nm from (select mch_nm, count(1) cishu from cmb_usr_trx_rcd where year(trx_time) in (2023,2024) and usr_id ='5201314520' group by mch_nm having cishu >=20) a left join (select distinct mch_nm from cmb_usr_trx_rcd where year(trx_time) in (2023,2024) and usr_id ='5211314521')b on a.mch_nm = b.mch_nm order by cishu desc |
2025-02-19 | 表连接(2)渣男去过我对象没去过,那就用LeftJoin |
select a.mch_nm as asshole_tried, a.cishu as darling_tried from (select mch_nm, count(1) cishu from cmb_usr_trx_rcd where year(trx_time) in (2023,2024) and usr_id ='5201314520' group by mch_nm having cishu >=20) a left join (select distinct mch_nm from cmb_usr_trx_rcd where year(trx_time) in (2023,2024) and usr_id <>'5211314521')b on a.mch_nm = b.mch_nm order by cishu desc |
2025-02-19 | 表连接(2)渣男去过我对象没去过,那就用LeftJoin |
select a.mch_nm as asshole_tried, a.cishu as darling_tried from (select mch_nm, count(1) cishu from cmb_usr_trx_rcd where year(trx_time) in (2023,2024) and usr_id ='5201314520' group by mch_nm having cishu >=20) a left join (select distinct mch_nm from cmb_usr_trx_rcd where year(trx_time) in (2023,2024) and usr_id ='5211314521')b on a.mch_nm = b.mch_nm order by cishu desc |
2025-02-19 | 表连接(1)你们难道都去过?那就试试用InnerJoin |
select b.mch_nm from (select distinct(mch_nm) from cmb_usr_trx_rcd where usr_id='5201314520' and year(trx_time)=2024 ) b join (select distinct(mch_nm) from cmb_usr_trx_rcd where usr_id='5211314521' and year(trx_time)=2024) a on a.mch_nm = b.mch_nm order by mch_nm desc |
2025-02-19 | 表连接(1)你们难道都去过?那就试试用InnerJoin |
select mch_nm from cmb_usr_trx_rcd where usr_id = '5201314520' and usr_id = 'usr_id=5211314521' |
2025-02-10 | 表连接(1)你们难道都去过?那就试试用InnerJoin |
select mch_nm from cmb_usr_trx_rcd where year(trx_time) = 2024 group by mch_nm having count( distinct case when usr_id in (5201314520, 5211314521) then usr_id else null end ) = 2 order by mch_nm desc |
2025-02-10 | 子查询(1)玩的最嗨那天在做甚?要用Where子查询 |
select * from cmb_usr_trx_rcd where usr_id = '5201314520' and year(trx_time) = 2024 order by trx_amt desc limit 1 |
2025-02-10 | 字符串与通配符(2)好多关键词做规则,可以使用rlike |
select case when mch_nm like '%按摩保健休闲%' then '按摩保健休闲' when lower(mch_nm) rlike '.*(按摩|保健|休闲|spa|养生|会所).*' then '按摩、保健、休闲、养生、SPA、会所' end as reg_rules, count(distinct mch_nm) as mch_cnt from cmb_usr_trx_rcd where lower(mch_nm) rlike '.*(按摩|保健|休闲|spa|养生|会所).*' group by reg_rules order by mch_cnt desc; |
2025-02-10 | 字符串与通配符(1)名称里面有特服,可以使用通配符 |
select count(distinct mch_nm) mch_cnt from cmb_usr_trx_rcd where mch_nm like '%按摩保健休闲%' |
2025-02-10 | 分类(1)姿势太多很过分,分类要用CaseWhen |
select case when trx_amt = 288 then '1.WithHand' when trx_amt = 388 then '2.WithMimi' when trx_amt = 588 then '3.BlowJobbie' when trx_amt = 888 then '4.Doi' when trx_amt = 1288 then '5.DoubleFly' else '6.other' end ser_typ, count(1) trx_cnt, min(date(trx_time)) first_date from cmb_usr_trx_rcd where mch_nm = '红玫瑰按摩保健休闲' and usr_id = '5201314520' group by ser_typ order by ser_typ |
2025-02-10 | 分类(1)姿势太多很过分,分类要用CaseWhen |
select case when trx_amt = 288 then '1.WithHand' when trx_amt = 388 then '2.WithMimid' when trx_amt = 588 then '3.BlowJobbie' when trx_amt = 888 then '4.Doi' when trx_amt = 1288 then '5.DoubleFly' else '6.other' end ser_typ, count(1) trx_cnt, min(date(trx_time)) first_date from cmb_usr_trx_rcd where mch_nm = '红玫瑰按摩保健休闲' and usr_id = '5201314520' group by ser_typ order by ser_typ |
2025-02-10 | 分类(1)姿势太多很过分,分类要用CaseWhen |
select case when trx_amt=288 then '1.WithHand' when trx_amt=388 then '2.WithMimi' when trx_amt=588 then '3.BlowJobbie' when trx_amt=888 then '4.Doi' when trx_amt=1288 then '5.DoubleFly' else '6.other' end as ser_typ ,count(1) as trx_cnt ,min(date(trx_time)) as first_date from cmb_usr_trx_rcd where usr_id='5201314520' and mch_nm='红玫瑰按摩保健休闲' group by ser_typ order by ser_typ |
2025-02-10 | 分类(1)姿势太多很过分,分类要用CaseWhen |
select case when trx_amt=288 then '1.WithHand' when trx_amt=388 then '2.WithMimi' when trx_amt=588 then '3.BlowJobbie' when trx_amt=888 then '4.Doi' when trx_amt=1288 then '5.DoubleFly' else '6.other' end as ser_typ ,count(1) as trx_cnt ,min(date(trx_time)) as first_date from cmb_usr_trx_rcd where usr_id='5201314520' and mch_nm='红玫瑰按摩保健休闲' group by ser_typ order by 1 |
2025-02-10 | 分类(1)姿势太多很过分,分类要用CaseWhen |
SELECT CASE WHEN trx_amt = 288THEN '1.WithHand' WHEN trx_amt = 388 THEN '2.WithMimi' WHEN trx_amt = 588THEN '3.BlowJobbie' WHEN trx_amt = 888THEN '4.Doi' WHEN trx_amt = 1288 THEN '5.DoubleFly' ELSE '6.Other' END AS ser_typ, COUNT(1) AS trx_cnt, MIN(date(trx_time)) AS first_date FROM cmb_usr_trx_rcd WHERE mch_nm = '红玫瑰按摩保健休闲' and usr_id='5201314520' group by ser_typ ORDER BY ser_typ |
2025-02-10 | 分类(1)姿势太多很过分,分类要用CaseWhen |
select case when trx_amt = 288 then '1.WithHand' when trx_amt = 388 then '2.WithMimid' when trx_amt = 588 then '3.BlowJobbie' when trx_amt = 888 then '4.Doi' when trx_amt = 1288 then '5.DoubleFly' else '6.other' end ser_typ, count(1) trx_cnt, min(date(trx_time)) first_date from cmb_usr_trx_rcd where mch_nm = '红玫瑰按摩保健休闲' and usr_id = '5201314520' group by ser_typ order by ser_typ |
2025-02-10 | 分类(1)姿势太多很过分,分类要用CaseWhen |
select case when trx_amt = 288 then '1.WithHand' when trx_amt = 388 then '2.WithMimid' when trx_amt = 288 then '3.BlowJobbie' when trx_amt = 288 then '4.Doi' when trx_amt = 288 then '5.DoubleFly' else '6.other' end ser_typ, count(1) trx_cnt, min(date(trx_time)) first_date from cmb_usr_trx_rcd where mch_nm = '红玫瑰按摩保健休闲' and usr_id = '5201314520' group by ser_typ order by ser_typ |
2025-02-10 | 分类(1)姿势太多很过分,分类要用CaseWhen |
select case when trx_amt = 288 then '1.WithHand' when trx_amt = 388 then '2.WithMimid' when trx_amt = 288 then '3.BlowJobbie' when trx_amt = 288 then '4.Doi' when trx_amt = 288 then '5.DoubleFly' else '6.other' end ser_typ, count(1) trx_cnt, min(date(trx_time)) first_date from cmb_usr_trx_rcd where mch_nm = '红玫瑰按摩保健休闲' and usr_id = '5201314520' group by ser_typ |
2025-02-10 | 分组与聚合函数(6)想知道渣男有多坏,疯狂使用GroupBy |
select usr_id ,mch_nm ,sum(trx_amt) as trx_amt ,count(1) as trx_cnt ,min(trx_time) as first_time from cmb_usr_trx_rcd where usr_id='5201314520' and trx_amt>=288 group by usr_id, mch_nm order by trx_cnt desc |
2025-02-10 | 分组与聚合函数(6)想知道渣男有多坏,疯狂使用GroupBy |
select usr_id ,mch_nm ,sum(trx_amt) as trx_amt ,count(1) as trx_cnt ,min(trx_time) as first_time from cmb_usr_trx_rcd where usr_id='5201314520' and trx_amt>=288 group by usr_id, mch_nm order by trx_cnt desc limit 5 |
2025-02-10 | 分组与聚合函数(6)想知道渣男有多坏,疯狂使用GroupBy |
select usr_id, mch_nm, sum(trx_amt) trx_amt, count(1) trx_cnt, min(trx_time) first_time from cmb_usr_trx_rcd where usr_id = '5201314520' and trx_amt >= 288 group by usr_id,mch_nm order by trx_cnt desc limit 5 |