


勋章 ①金银铜:在竞赛中获得第一二三名;②好习惯:自然月10天提交;③里程碑:解决1/2/5/10/20/50/100/200题;④每周打卡挑战:完成每周5题,每年1月1日清零。


收藏日期 题目名称 解决状态


评论日期 题目名称 评论内容 站长评论
2024-11-07 一线城市历年平均气温 
2024-11-06 表连接(3)一直使用一张表,现在开始两张表 
select mch_typ,count(mch_nm) as total_mch,count(distinct mch_nm) as unique_mch_cnt
from cmb_mch_typ 
group by mch_typ 
order by 2 desc;
刚看了后台,后台正确代码没加order by,现在加上了,你再试试,应该对了
2024-11-06 表连接(3)一直使用一张表,现在开始两张表 
select mch_typ,count(a.mch_nm) as total_mch,count(distinct a.mch_nm) as unique_mch_cnt 
from cmb_mch_typ a left join cmb_usr_trx_rcd b
on a.mch_nm=b.mch_nm 
group by mch_typ order by total_mch desc;
2024-10-30 分组与聚合函数(5)五花八门的项目,其实都有固定套路(2) 
我就说and or是个大坑吧,AND执行顺序高于or,3+2*2不等于10,等于7啊


提交日期 题目名称 提交代码
2025-02-27 不经过第二象限的所有函数 
select * from numbers_for_fun 
where (a=0 and b>=0 and c<=0) or (a<0 and 
           (b>=0 and c<=0)
       or (b<0 and c<=(b*b/4/a))
2025-02-27 不经过第二象限的所有函数 
select * from numbers_for_fun 
where (a=0 and b>0 and c>=-b) or (a<0 and 
           (b>=0 and c<=0)
       or (b<0 and c<=(b*b/4/a))
2025-02-25 文科潜力股 
select * from scores 
where exam_date='2024-06-30' and subject in ('历史','政治','地理') and score>=90
order by score desc,student_id,subject;
2025-02-25 给英语成绩中上水平的学生拔尖 
select * from scores 
where exam_date='2024-06-30' and subject='英语' and score between 100 and 110 
order by score desc;
2025-02-25 找出三个班级的女生 
select * from students 
where class_code in('C219','C220','C221') and gender='f';
2025-02-25 大于J小于K的手牌 
select * from hand_permutations 
where card1 >'J' and card1<'K'
and card2>'J' and card2<'K';
2025-02-25 2000年以前出生的男歌手 
select * from singer_info 
where gender='m' and left(birth_date,4)<2000;
2025-02-25 国庆假期后第一天涨幅高于1%的股票 
select ts_code,open_price,close_price from daily_stock_prices 
where trade_date ='2023-10-09' and pct_change>1;
2025-02-25 总分超过300分的学生 
select student_id from subject_score 
where chinese+math+english>=300;
2025-02-25 德州扑克起手牌-最强起手牌KK+ 
select * from hand_permutations 
where (left(card1,1)='A' and (left(card2,1)='A' or left(card2,1)='K'))
or (left(card1,1)='K' and (left(card2,1)='A' or left(card2,1)='K'));
2025-02-20 北京有雪的日子 
select dt,tmp_h,tmp_l,con from weather_rcd_china 
where con like '%雪%'and city='beijing';
2025-02-17 基于共同兴趣爱好的餐厅推荐(1)-我吃过啥 
select cust_uid,mch_nm from mt_trx_rcd1 
where cust_uid='MT10000' and mch_typ1='餐饮'
group by cust_uid,mch_nm
order by mch_nm;
2025-02-12 经过3个象限的一元一次函数 
select * from numbers_for_fun 
where a=0 and b!=0 and c>0;
2025-02-12 经过3个象限的一元一次函数 
select * from numbers_for_fun 
where a=0 and b!=0 and c!=0;
2025-02-12 经过至少两个象限的一元一次函数 
select * from numbers_for_fun 
where a=0 and b!=0;
2025-02-12 一元一次函数形成的三角形面积 
select * from numbers_for_fun 
where a=0 and b!=0 and abs(c*(c/b))>=10;
2025-02-12 一元一次函数形成的等腰三角形 
select * from numbers_for_fun 
where a=0 and b in (1,-1);
2025-02-08 与X轴有且只有一个交点的一元二次函数 
select * from numbers_for_fun 
where a!=0 and b*b-4*a*c=0;
2025-02-08 开口向上且经过原点的一元二次函数 
select * from numbers_for_fun 
where a>0 and c=0;
2025-02-08 开口向上的一元二次函数 
select * from numbers_for_fun 
where a>0 ;