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2024-12-25 | 小宇宙电台的同期群分析  |
select t2.login_time as login_date,count(dn) as pct from( with t as ( select usr_id,login_time, DATEDIFF(login_time, lag(login_time) over (partition by usr_id order by login_time) ) as dt from (select usr_id,date(login_time) as login_time fromuser_login_logwherelogin_time>='2024-01-01'group by usr_id,date(login_time) order by usr_id,date(login_time)) t ) selectusr_id,login_time ,dt,(case when dt>= 3 then "h" when dt<= 3 then "l" else "x" end) as dn fromt ) t2 group by dn,login_time order by login_time ,dn |
2024-12-25 | 按终点统计行程次数  |
select end_loc,count(*) as cnt from hello_bike_riding_rcd group by end_loc order by count(*) desc |
2024-12-25 | Halo出行-通勤活跃用户标签开发  |
withtas( select r.user_id, DATE_FORMAT(r.start_time, '%Y-%m') AS m_y, COUNT(*) AS c_d from hello_bike_riding_rcd r join gd_loc_mapm1 on r.start_loc =m1.loc_nm join gd_loc_mapm2 on r.end_loc = m2.loc_nm where ( ( m1.loc_type='写字楼' and m2.loc_type='地铁站')or ( m2.loc_type='写字楼' and m1.loc_type='地铁站') ) AND r.start_time BETWEEN '2020-01-01' AND '2024-12-31' group by r.user_id,date_format(r.start_time, '%Y-%m') ) select user_id, case when count( distinct m_y)>=3 and min(c_d)>=5 then 1 else 0 end as active_tag from t GROUP BY user_id; |