with map as (
select loc_nm, if(loc_nm = '将台西', '地铁站', loc_type) loc_type from gd_loc_map a
, ride as (
select a.*
, b.loc_type as start_loc_type
, c.loc_type as end_loc_type
, if((b.loc_type = '写字楼' and c.loc_type = '地铁站') or (c.loc_type = '写字楼' and b.loc_type = '地铁站'), 1,
0) is_active_ride
, date_format(start_time, '%Y-%m') start_month
from hello_bike_riding_rcd a
left join map b on a.start_loc = b.loc_nm
left join map c on a.end_loc = c.loc_nm
, user as (
select distinct user_id
from ride
, active as (
select start_month, user_id, sum(active_ride_num) active_ride_num
from (
select start_month, user_id, sum(is_active_ride) active_ride_num
from ride a
group by 1, 2
union all
select start_month, user_id, 0
from (
select distinct start_month
from ride
) a, (
select user_id
from user
) b
) a
group by 1, 2
select a.*, if(b.user_id is not null, 1, 0) as active_tag
from user a
left join (
select distinct user_id
from (
select start_month
, user_id
, active_ride_num
, lag(active_ride_num, 1, null) over (partition by user_id order by start_month) lag1_active_ride_num
, lag(active_ride_num, 2, null) over (partition by user_id order by start_month) lag2_active_ride_num
from active a
) a
where active_ride_num >= 5
and lag1_active_ride_num >= 5
and lag2_active_ride_num >= 5
) b on a.user_id = b.user_id