


勋章 ①金银铜:在竞赛中获得第一二三名;②好习惯:自然月10天提交;③里程碑:解决1/2/5/10/20/50/100/200题;④每周打卡挑战:完成每周5题,每年1月1日清零。


收藏日期 题目名称 解决状态


评论日期 题目名称 评论内容 站长评论


提交日期 题目名称 提交代码
2025-02-09 Halo出行-通勤活跃用户标签开发 
select a3.user_id user_id ,case whena2.user_id is null then 0 else 1 end as active_tag 
from (selectuser_id fromhello_bike_riding_rcdgroup by user_id) a3
left join 
select user_idfrom 
select user_id,
(replace(start_time,'-','')-replace(lead(start_time,1,0)over(partition by user_id order by start_time),'-','') ) minusc from (
select substr(start_time,1,7) start_time ,user_id, count( distinct substr(start_time,1,10))from hello_bike_riding_rcda
left join ( select loc_nm,case when loc_nm	= '将台西' then '地铁站' when loc_nm	='北京机床研究所' 
then '写字楼' 
else loc_typeend loc_type from gd_loc_map ) b 
on a.start_loc = b.loc_nm
left join(select loc_nm,case when loc_nm	= '将台西' then '地铁站' when loc_nm	='北京机床研究所' 
then '写字楼' 
else loc_typeend loc_type from gd_loc_map ) c
on a.end_loc = c.loc_nm
concat(b.loc_type,c.loc_type) in ('写字楼地铁站','地铁站写字楼')
 andsubstr(start_time,1,4) between '2020' and '2024'
group by substr(start_time,1,7),user_idhaving count( distinct substr(start_time,1,10)) >=5
) a1) a2
where minusc =-1
group by user_idhaving count(minusc) >= 2) a2
on a3.user_id = a2.user_id
2025-02-09 Halo出行-通勤活跃用户标签开发 
select a3.user_id user_id ,case whena2.user_id is null then 0 else 1 end as active_tag 
from (selectuser_id fromhello_bike_riding_rcdgroup by user_id) a3
left join 
select user_idfrom 
select user_id,
(replace(start_time,'-','')-replace(lead(start_time,1,0)over(partition by user_id order by start_time),'-','') ) minusc from (
select substr(start_time,1,7) start_time ,user_id, count( distinct substr(start_time,1,10))from hello_bike_riding_rcda
left join ( select loc_nm,case when loc_nm	= '将台西' then '地铁站'when loc_nm	 ='凯德广场'then '购物广场'when loc_nm	='北京机床研究所' 
then '写字楼' 
else loc_typeend loc_type from gd_loc_map ) b 
on a.start_loc = b.loc_nm
left join(select loc_nm,case when loc_nm	= '将台西' then '地铁站'when loc_nm	 ='凯德广场'then '购物广场'when loc_nm	='北京机床研究所' 
then '写字楼' 
else loc_typeend loc_type from gd_loc_map) c
on a.end_loc = c.loc_nm
concat(b.loc_type,c.loc_type) in ('写字楼地铁站','地铁站写字楼')
 andsubstr(start_time,1,4) between '2020' and '2024'
group by substr(start_time,1,7),user_idhaving count( distinct substr(start_time,1,10)) >=5
) a1) a2
where minusc =-1
group by user_idhaving count(minusc) >= 2) a2
on a3.user_id = a2.user_id
2025-02-09 Halo出行-通勤活跃用户标签开发 
select a3.user_id user_id ,case whena2.user_id is null then 0 else 1 end as active_tag 
from (selectuser_id fromhello_bike_riding_rcdgroup by user_id) a3
left join 
select user_idfrom 
select user_id,
(replace(start_time,'-','')-replace(lead(start_time,1,0)over(partition by user_id order by start_time),'-','') ) minusc from (
select substr(start_time,1,7) start_time ,user_id, count( distinct substr(start_time,1,10))from hello_bike_riding_rcda
left join ( select loc_nm,case when loc_nm	= '将台西' then '地铁站'when loc_nm	 ='凯德广场'then '	购物广场'when loc_nm	='北京机床研究所' 
then '写字楼' 
else loc_typeend loc_type from gd_loc_map ) b 
on a.start_loc = b.loc_nm
left join(select loc_nm,case when loc_nm	= '将台西' then '地铁站'when loc_nm	 ='凯德广场'then '	购物广场'when loc_nm	='北京机床研究所' 
then '写字楼' 
else loc_typeend loc_type from gd_loc_map) c
on a.end_loc = c.loc_nm
concat(b.loc_type,c.loc_type) in ('写字楼地铁站','地铁站写字楼')
 andsubstr(start_time,1,4) between '2020' and '2024'
group by substr(start_time,1,7),user_idhaving count( distinct substr(start_time,1,10)) >=5
) a1) a2
where minusc =-1
group by user_idhaving count(minusc) >= 2) a2
on a3.user_id = a2.user_id
2025-02-09 Halo出行-通勤活跃用户标签开发 
select a3.user_id user_id ,case whena2.user_id is null then 0 else 1 end as active_tag 
from (selectuser_id fromhello_bike_riding_rcdgroup by user_id) a3
left join 
select user_idfrom 
select user_id,
(replace(start_time,'-','')-replace(lead(start_time,1,0)over(partition by user_id order by start_time),'-','') ) minusc from (
select substr(start_time,1,7) start_time ,user_id,count( *) from hello_bike_riding_rcda
left join ( select loc_nm,case when loc_nm	= '将台西' then '地铁站' when loc_nm	='北京机床研究所' 
then '写字楼' 
else loc_typeend loc_type from gd_loc_map ) b 
on a.start_loc = b.loc_nm
left join(select loc_nm,case when loc_nm	= '将台西' then '地铁站' when loc_nm	='北京机床研究所' 
then '写字楼' 
else loc_typeend loc_type from gd_loc_map ) c
on a.end_loc = c.loc_nm
concat(b.loc_type,c.loc_type) in ('写字楼地铁站','地铁站写字楼')
 andsubstr(start_time,1,4) between '2020' and '2024'
group by substr(start_time,1,7),user_idhaving count( *) >=5
) a1) a2
where minusc =-1
group by user_idhaving count(minusc) >= 2) a2
on a3.user_id = a2.user_id
2025-02-09 Halo出行-通勤活跃用户标签开发 
select a3.user_id user_id ,case whena2.user_id is null then 0 else 1 end as active_tag 
from (selectuser_id fromhello_bike_riding_rcd where substr(start_time,1,4) between '2020' and '2024' group by user_id) a3
left join 
select user_idfrom 
select user_id,
(replace(start_time,'-','')-replace(lead(start_time,1,0)over(partition by user_id order by start_time),'-','') ) minusc from (
select substr(start_time,1,7) start_time ,user_id,count(distinct substr(start_time,1,7))from hello_bike_riding_rcda
left join ( select loc_nm,case when loc_nm	= '将台西' then '地铁站' when loc_nm	='北京机床研究所' 
then '写字楼' 
else loc_typeend loc_type from gd_loc_map ) b 
on a.start_loc = b.loc_nm
left join(select loc_nm,case when loc_nm	= '将台西' then '地铁站' when loc_nm	='北京机床研究所' 
then '写字楼' 
else loc_typeend loc_type from gd_loc_map ) c
on a.end_loc = c.loc_nm
concat(b.loc_type,c.loc_type) in ('写字楼地铁站','地铁站写字楼')
 andsubstr(start_time,1,4) between '2020' and '2024'
group by substr(start_time,1,7),user_idhaving count( substr(start_time,1,7)) >=5
) a1) a2
where minusc =-1
group by user_idhaving count(minusc) >= 2) a2
on a3.user_id = a2.user_id
2025-02-09 Halo出行-通勤活跃用户标签开发 
select a3.user_id user_id ,case whena2.user_id is null then 0 else 1 end as active_tag 
from (selectuser_id fromhello_bike_riding_rcd group by user_id) a3
left join 
select user_idfrom 
select user_id,
(replace(start_time,'-','')-replace(lead(start_time,1,0)over(partition by user_id order by start_time),'-','') ) minusc from (
select substr(start_time,1,7) start_time ,user_id,count(distinct substr(start_time,1,7))from hello_bike_riding_rcda
left join ( select loc_nm,case when loc_nm	= '将台西' then '地铁站' when loc_nm	='北京机床研究所' 
then '写字楼' 
else loc_typeend loc_type from gd_loc_map ) b 
on a.start_loc = b.loc_nm
left join(select loc_nm,case when loc_nm	= '将台西' then '地铁站' when loc_nm	='北京机床研究所' 
then '写字楼' 
else loc_typeend loc_type from gd_loc_map ) c
on a.end_loc = c.loc_nm
concat(b.loc_type,c.loc_type) in ('写字楼地铁站','地铁站写字楼')
 andsubstr(start_time,1,4) between '2020' and '2024'
group by substr(start_time,1,7),user_idhaving count( substr(start_time,1,7)) >=5
) a1) a2
where minusc =-1
group by user_idhaving count(minusc) >= 2) a2
on a3.user_id = a2.user_id
2025-02-09 Halo出行-通勤活跃用户标签开发 
select a3.user_id user_id ,case whena2.user_id is null then 0 else 1 end as active_tag 
from (selectuser_id fromhello_bike_riding_rcd group by user_id) a3
left join 
select user_idfrom 
select user_id,
( start_time-lead(start_time,1,0)over(partition by user_id order by start_time) ) minusc from (
select substr(start_time,1,7) start_time ,user_id,count(distinct substr(start_time,1,7))from hello_bike_riding_rcda
left join ( select loc_nm,case when loc_nm	= '将台西' then '地铁站' when loc_nm	='北京机床研究所' 
then '写字楼' 
else loc_typeend loc_type from gd_loc_map ) b 
on a.start_loc = b.loc_nm
left join(select loc_nm,case when loc_nm	= '将台西' then '地铁站' when loc_nm	='北京机床研究所' 
then '写字楼' 
else loc_typeend loc_type from gd_loc_map ) c
on a.end_loc = c.loc_nm
concat(b.loc_type,c.loc_type) in ('写字楼地铁站','地铁站写字楼')
 andsubstr(start_time,1,4) between '2020' and '2024'
group by substr(start_time,1,7),user_idhaving count( substr(start_time,1,7)) >=5
) a1) a2
where minusc =0
group by user_idhaving count(minusc) >= 3) a2
on a3.user_id = a2.user_id
2025-02-09 Halo出行-通勤活跃用户标签开发 
select a3.user_id user_id ,case whena2.user_id is null then 0 else 1 end as active_tag 
from (selectuser_id fromhello_bike_riding_rcd group by user_id) a3
left join 
select user_idfrom 
select user_id,
( start_time-lead(start_time,1,0)over(partition by user_id order by start_time) ) minusc from (
select substr(start_time,1,7) start_time ,user_id,count(distinct substr(start_time,1,10))from hello_bike_riding_rcda
left join ( select loc_nm,case when loc_nm	= '将台西' then '地铁站' when loc_nm	='北京机床研究所' 
then '写字楼' 
else loc_typeend loc_type from gd_loc_map ) b 
on a.start_loc = b.loc_nm
left join(select loc_nm,case when loc_nm	= '将台西' then '地铁站' when loc_nm	='北京机床研究所' 
then '写字楼' 
else loc_typeend loc_type from gd_loc_map ) c
on a.end_loc = c.loc_nm
concat(b.loc_type,c.loc_type) in ('写字楼地铁站','地铁站写字楼')
 andsubstr(start_time,1,4) between '2020' and '2024'
group by substr(start_time,1,7),user_idhaving count( substr(start_time,1,10)) >=5
) a1) a2
where minusc =0
group by user_idhaving count(minusc) >= 3) a2
on a3.user_id = a2.user_id
2025-02-09 Halo出行-通勤活跃用户标签开发 
select a3.user_id user_id ,case whena2.user_id is null then 0 else 1 end as active_tag 
from (selectuser_id fromhello_bike_riding_rcd group by user_id) a3
left join 
select user_idfrom 
select user_id,
( start_time-lead(start_time,1,0)over(partition by user_id order by start_time) ) minusc from (
select substr(start_time,1,7) start_time ,user_id,count(distinct substr(start_time,1,10))from hello_bike_riding_rcda
left join ( select loc_nm,case when loc_nm	= '将台西' then '地铁站' else loc_typeend loc_type from gd_loc_map ) b 
on a.start_loc = b.loc_nm
left join( select loc_nm,case when loc_nm	= '将台西' then '地铁站' else loc_typeend loc_type from gd_loc_map ) c
on a.end_loc = c.loc_nm
concat(b.loc_type,c.loc_type) in ('写字楼地铁站','地铁站写字楼')
 andsubstr(start_time,1,4) between '2020' and '2024'
group by substr(start_time,1,7),user_idhaving count( substr(start_time,1,10)) >=5
) a1) a2
where minusc =0
group by user_idhaving count(minusc) >= 3) a2
on a3.user_id = a2.user_id
2025-02-07 Halo出行-通勤活跃用户标签开发 
select a3.user_id user_id ,case whena2.user_id is null then 0 else 1 end as active_tag 
from (selectuser_id fromhello_bike_riding_rcd group by user_id) a3
left join 
select user_idfrom 
select user_id,
( start_time-lead(start_time,1,0)over(partition by user_id order by start_time) ) minusc from (
select substr(start_time,1,7) start_time ,user_id,count(distinct substr(start_time,1,10))from hello_bike_riding_rcda
left join gd_loc_map b 
on a.start_loc = b.loc_nm
left joingd_loc_map c
on a.end_loc = c.loc_nm
 substr(start_time,1,4) between '2020' and '2024'
 and concat(b.loc_type,c.loc_type) in ('写字楼地铁站','地铁站写字楼')
group by substr(start_time,1,7),user_idhaving count( substr(start_time,1,10)) >=5
) a1) a2
where minusc =0
group by user_idhaving count(minusc) >= 3) a2
on a3.user_id = a2.user_id
2025-02-07 Halo出行-通勤活跃用户标签开发 
selectuser_id ,0 asactive_tag fromhello_bike_riding_rcd
2025-02-07 Halo出行-通勤活跃用户标签开发 
select a3.user_id user_id ,case whena2.user_id is null then 0 else 1 end as active_tag 
from (selectuser_id fromhello_bike_riding_rcd group by user_id) a3
left join 
select user_idfrom 
select user_id,
( start_time-lead(start_time,1,0)over(partition by user_id order by start_time) ) minusc from (
select substr(start_time,1,7) start_time ,user_id,count(distinct substr(start_time,1,10))from hello_bike_riding_rcda
left join gd_loc_map b 
on a.start_loc = b.loc_nm
left joingd_loc_map c
on a.end_loc = c.loc_nm
whereconcat(b.loc_type,c.loc_type) in ('写字楼地铁站','地铁站写字楼')
and substr(start_time,1,4) between '2020' and '2024'
group by substr(start_time,1,7),user_idhaving count( substr(start_time,1,10)) >=5
) a1) a2
where minusc =0
group by user_idhaving count(minusc) >= 3) a2
on a3.user_id = a2.user_id